Tuesday, February 27, 2007
#1. What IS the meaning of life now?sigh! i was staring into blank space when a question struck me. WHAT IS THE MEANING OF LIFE? goshh. there IS no meaning to life anymore. all we do is study tudy and STUDY. its so tiring. sometimes i just feel like collapsing onto the ground. but if i did that, i would probably miss a class and would not be able to catch up with the rest. you SEE! WHAT HAS THIS WORLD BECOME.
NONSENSE is that! urghhhs! this is driving me NUTS! especially having a teacher thinking that the people in the 2nd class must be
EXTREMELY INTELLIGENT! this is so annoying! her FRIGGIN standards are so CRAPPILY HIGH! MY GOD!
life sucks okay!
#2. BIASEDNESS ARGHS!again and again i HAVE to talk about this.
BIASEDNESS FILLS THIS WORLD! sucky people! and its SO obvious that
youre BIASEDNESS! scoldings scoldings and SCOLDINGS are ALL WE EVER GET FROM YOU! how would
YOU like that!! its not like we dont want to do what you say. BUT HAVE YOU EVER THOUGHT ABOUT THE DIFFICULTY???
its NOT FAIR that you treat us this way and yet for other people youre so GENEROUS AND EVERTHING! its just NOT FAIR! THIS WORLD IS *U***** CORRUPTED! ARGHHHS!
THIS WORLD IS SO DAMNED!!you know sometimes i
REALLY pity you! because so many of us
hate you!
and somehow you just remind me of my father! well now you should know why we even
HATE you so much!
#3. Sec3 adventure camp. excited?well at least theres something to cheer me up upon
ALL THESE ANGER BOILING DEEP WITHIN ME. its just 2 days away! and i have yet to pack anything yet. thats badd! im going to pack some stuff tonight. my bag's going to be so puffed up! cause of the extra stuff i'll need to bring. oh crap! i better go and fix my shoe bag! seriously i was thinking of putting super glue all over? or maybe i should sew it all over again. oh god. im going to have so many things to carry!
alright. thats it for today. write again another time.
i blogged @
3:26 PM
Wednesday, February 21, 2007
School's back! Have we all done our homework?hah!! how fast the year has been. yes i thik youve been hearing a lot of "the year is passing by so quickly" out of me. well yeah! its really fast. it was like yesterday when i just started secondary school xD oh yes chinese new year holidays are overr! so school's back! sighh huh. okay! ive heard 'complains' about me not updating about chinee new year xD okay so here i am.
(okay this is going to be a really long post. i think)16th feb 2007went out for a movie with vanessa zhixin and weiting. well it was the day of cinese new year celebration! so yup! watched the epic movie. its really funny! but its kind of er hem-ed well you know xD alright.
17th feb 2007was playing sims2 in the morning.oh i LOVE SIMS2!! with pets ;D its really funn! my puppies grew up. so now theres 6 adult dogs running around the house. hahas really hard to control xD blueberry, woffies, wuffles, cotton and with blackie and silver as their parents. hahas cute huh xD well currently, im playing another family. well! the mother has given birth to 2 babies. hahas not twins. a baby boy and a baby girl. well the boy came first so you do the math. =D
then at about 5pm. i went to my father's side for reunion dinner. it was kind of awkward. cause i havent seen the cousins for about 3 years or more. well hes grown slightly taller, chubbier xD and quieter =O i was shocked! he used to be so.. well active. or maybe he was just appearing quiet cause he is not used to me around?? xD shy laa. hahas!!
had to stay up late that night. bcause of the so called well i dont know. this thing about sleeping later on new year's eve to prolong your parents' lives. so yeah.
18th feb 2007chinese new year day!! hohoho!! didnt do much in the morning but i went to my grandparents' house at about 4pm. wished quite a number of people 'happy new year' and got some red packets! we had the annual 'yusheng lao-ing' thing. yes and we happily dived into all the food after that. hahas. oh! saw my nephew again. well its been quite a long time since he last came. like maybe last year? uhhuh he seemed quieter. he couldnt even remember where the toilet is!
SO SHOCKING! and he didnt call me until his dad told him to T.T haha. well he used to be so enthu in calling people. and didnt even need to think about who that person is. its like at the back of his palms xD but noww.. sighh memory hor hahas.
19th feb 2007okay! went to my god grandmother's place today. yes went 'happy new year' everywhere and got some more red packets.
oh kids love this season xD man was the house smokeyy! well not cigarette smoke but joss stick smoke. we've been doing this for years. so i hope i can get used to it. all the youngsters' eyes always end up teary and all. hahas.
went for lunch with the entire family after that. at this paramount hotel .. chinese.. restaurant?.. err i dont know i pay attention to the names of places T.T yes im very anti-social as youve realised by now. well apparently. the person heard wrongly over the phone and only had 10 seats when there were 15 people. so 5 people had to sit on another table. well the 5 people happened to be my mum, ah min jiejie, js and his brother. weird combination xDD
well we had thetime of our lives!! haha! hmm. well because we got to order the "young people food" xD while the other table had to eat things that were good for the elderly?? oh i dont know. stuff like that.
oh hoh! went home after that.
20th feb 2007hmms. nothing much happened today. went to grandparents' house today again. wanted to watch a movie but since it was raining. so we decided to stay at home at slackkk~ oh wells we had SIMS2!! hahas. oh but we played little fighter2 and audition as well =D not so interesting huh xD
AND TODAY!well nothing much really happened. except had my dental appointment and my braces tightened. im going to die tmr! well cause i have band and i cant play very well with
ALL MY ACHING TEETH. hahas. oh i hope my teeth wouldnt hurt so much tmr! eeeks. okay i shall end here now. im going to play SIMS2 AGAIN! WHOOOHOOOOS!@ hahahs. seeya.
i blogged @
7:15 PM
Thursday, February 15, 2007
happy chinese new year!! whoaa so fast and another year's gone. hmmms cant wait for sec3 adventure camp! waaa. as usual had band today. yes i got really nothing much to say. and i feel like making a drawing tonight! ohoh! i just realised that there are so MANY artists in my class! goshh! so envious every one of them has their own drawing talents. goodness *cries*
dora gave me a candy today! hahas supposed to be for valentines day. it was pretty cute. i just ate it xD okay this is so lame. gotta go to my father's side on saturday for dinner. sigh! im going to see my cousins. havet seen them in 2 years already! whow! saw them at the hawker centre that morning though. wow my aunt still look as young as ever! my goodness how did she do it? haha xD well saw my cousins too. they grew taller. =O i want to grow tall tooo *cries*
haha watching some boiling point show now xD its really funny. hahas its like these people try to make another person really angry in the given time xD and whoever can tolerate it for longer than the time limit is given a reward in terms of money xD its really funny. hahas! okay this wasnt really necessary.
oh watched the dance floor last night. well i thought the first group was good. though i dont really watch it. all right. hmmms lets see theres nothing to do now so i think i'll end off here.
(picture featuring this game? i dont know if its a screenshot or whatever. maybe not? well it looks nice huh. i think its about this ghost game thing? where youre this person with the camera and youre suppose to go into some haunted houses to take pictues ofthese ghost and save people??? hahas. i dont know. xD)
i blogged @
7:47 PM
Saturday, February 10, 2007
a random day of my life #1
hmms! had our musical exchange at st margerets today. well with 7 other schools. sigh! i got to hear these schools and goodness me! they sound good! i feel so depressed. hahas i mean okay i thought we played
BADLY when it was our turn! both songs! equally bad. sighh. and also i think our band practise venue should be moved to somewhere
BIGGER! and more space~ so that we can train our sound to become
LOUDER. i realised how
SOFT we actually are in open air! sighh. this is terrible! not sure if we
can get gold for syf this year. hmms! no matter how hard we try we are still at this standard! i mean its hard to change a habit. and being soft is already natural for us.
whoa tsk tsk. overheard various people taking about hot boys present. =O tsk tsk! hahas. and i realised how boy crazy some people in band actually are! wow! for a moment i thought band people would 'usually' be the study sort xD well i was wrong! oh there
are people who were the study sort until one day they suddenly become so boy crazy xD vain and blablabla. how sad huh.
i cant seem to see my blog for the time being. hmms wonder whats going on? all right! man theres still CAs going on! having history and physics on wednesday. gosh! i hate studying. being in my class is
STRESSFUL! firstly, my maths teacher's standard for us is
SUPER HIGH! like getting 27/30 for the E math test is the
CAN get. if your scores are lower. you are dead! hahas. not really dead but yeah. well i suppose shes right. we're supposed to get A1s for all our maths. sigh!
okay. i shall end off here now.
(picture featuring a random scene of flowers. its a sample picture. so im not really sure where it was taken from. hmms)
i blogged @
4:10 PM
Tuesday, February 06, 2007
You can do it!! Stand up again~oh myy! its so terrible. can you imagine your loved one suddenly just died?! its so terrible. i can practiclly feel the emotion like spinning in my head. gosh! sighh. it must have been a really tough time dealing with the fact that her husband died. like my goodness. i hope she'll recover from this trauma. how fragile life can be. oh yeah did i mention? this unfortunately incident happened on a teacher in my school. its so depressing! well im sure her husband doesnt want to see her like this now T.T awww mann!! its so... SAD OMG!! ARHHS!! its so omgg! no word can describe what i feel. its just so so so!!! its so.. sadd.. okay that was a little anti-climax but im sorry my volcabulary is just so limited! sighh really hope mrs.low feels better. *starts crying myself* sighh.
alright. enough of the depressing stuff. auditions have passed!! and i cannot confirm whether im in or out. did i mention this in my old post? hmms. oh wells. ive really got nothing much to add on. sheesh my mother's just so unreasonable! for some crappy reason she always have weird ideas and its just so twisted! so complex. sheesh! one time she was like "i wont friend you anymore if you dont want to take my car" im like "what nonsense is that?!" sheesh so crappy. oh whatever.
okay the 7pm show is so sad.. *trails off* its touching..
i blogged @
7:33 PM
Saturday, February 03, 2007
Satisfied I am!
hahas! it seems interesting to have this random theme before your post. and i shall follow what dora does. alright alright~ *showers credits to dora* hahas.okay! auditions are over. and i dont think i did too well in it. nooo! its so scary. i have this thing. and i cant perform my best infront of someone
WHEN im being pressurised(sp?) and that whatever i play will be
NOTED! and all my wrong notes will
DEDUCT a mark from my total score. ahhhh!!! well at least im not the SL, they got tested by sir himself. oh had fun during sectionals today. cause we did some
WONDERFUL drawings!!! andrea drew this clarinet. it looked
SO REAL! how envious xD
BUT it got erased when mr chan stepped into the room.
SHEESH! wasted efforts.
all thanks to him! =Xthat aside. yes still complaining about the upcoming CAs ad tests. aw man! i dont feel like studying for it! so lazzyyy! had my E maths test on friday. i wont say its
very hard. but i thought it was quite fine. just read up on my social studies and geography. i hope i can remember everything i just read. sigh! i'll be knowing my syf audition results on monday. oh my so scary! how if i cant make it into syf?! then my cca points will be so low! okay maybe not
that low.
i fee pretty satisfied for some reason. chinese new year's coming. how fast is that! it was like a minute ago when i last had my prawn roll aka hae bee hiam(sp?). hahas its the chinese new year snack. i
LOVE them! hahas. my mum advised me not to eat so much of those. and to sum up everything. i thought i played pretty fine after all the auditions when we returned to the band room to do a final run through of the piece that day. oh dear thats bad. i'd better get used to performing under pressure and still being at my best. hahas.
(picture featuring a pair of polar bears. they look like mother and child. isnt that cutee. cuddling together. aww.)
i blogged @
4:42 PM
Friday, February 02, 2007

hellos! oh dear! i have SS, geography, chemistry and chinese CA next week! omg! i feel so STRESSED! also we're having SYF audition TMR! omg i need to practise!! i think christine's going to deduct marks for tone, pitch, rhythm, dynamics and notes! but theyre only supposed to listen to wrong notes and rhythm? not fair! that means our test will be VERY hard!! hope i dont freak out! well i suppose im quite fine infront of christine. AH!! scaryy!!
alright! had our geography group debate thing on thursday. it went pretty well. and we actually got 14 =O i thought it was quite bad. hmm expect the unexpected huh. hahas. i got nothing much to say today. just i got a question. sir said the top 9 people of the section will get into SYF. but im sure our juniors will be able to make it to SYF because their scores are easier and shorter? so does that mean the juniors will go in our place? thats just not right. hahas in fact its wrong! im not against them. but i dont think they calculate it that way(this statement is dedicated to dora xD).
okay. after tmr's audition, i'll have to continue studying for my CAs next week. waaa! theres so many things to do! ARGHS! well theres no use talking about it. better put some words into actions. i shall end off here now. go practise practise~
(picture featuring a penguin. i just found it cute cause its lke flapping its "wings" its like "daddy says penguins cant fly in air but i want a try of it" haha you know. cute uhh. xD)
i blogged @
3:52 PM